
Tim Durtschi al FWT 20

di - 30/11/2019

Tim Durtschi FWT 20
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Per la prima volta Tim parteciperà al Freeride World Tour. Sebbene abbia già gareggiatoa gli Xgames, Redbull Linecatcher e molte altre competizioni, Tim Durtschi è forse meglio conosciuto per le sue lunghe liste di segmenti filmate con Teton Gravity Research ed i vecchi “Poor Boyz Production“.


Tim Durtschi FWT 20
Tim Durtschi, Northern Chugach, 2019


Gli organizzatori del FWT 20 lo hanno intervistato e Tim parte dicendo “I grew up in Alaska riding the entire mountain of Alyeska Resort.  I started skiing when I was 2 and have not been away from the mountains since. Skiing in Alaska taught me everything and allowed me to experience all types of skiing.  I am lucky to have skied with so many amazing people during my career including JP Auclair, Julien Regnier, Sage Cattabrigga, Pep Fujas, and Seth Morrison.

Freeride skiing has been the space where I have been able to truly express myself and I am beyond excited that my journey has led me to the FWT.”


Continua dicendo “I am looking forward to scoping the face and finding a line!  I love when the brain gets filled with ideas and you have to piece it all together in your mind.  I know all the venues from photos and videos, but it is going to be different showing up to the location and being ready. I am looking forward to adapting to the face as it appears in front of me on that given day of the comp.


La leggenda del freeski internazionale è entusiasta di partecipare al tour e siamo sicuri che quest’anno ne vedremo delle belle.


Vi rinfreschiamo la memoria con forse uno dei segment più belli della storia dello sci:

Tim con Poor Boyz Production



Luca Minigher

Freeskier, grande appassionato di montagna e sport!