
Simmer Style 2021 online

di - 14/12/2020

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Simmer ha presentato ufficialmente sul proprio sito la nuova collezione 2021 iniziando dalle vele Wave, CLICCA QUI:Blacktip Legacy, Blacktip e Icon.

Il team di progettazione ha ripensato, ridisegnato e rifinito nei minimi dettagli ogni misure dei vari modelli, creando una vela che lo stesso designer Tomas Persson afferma essere il progetto più raffinato della sua carriera. Il lancio della nuova collezione ritardato rispetto alle normali stagioni è dovuto ovviamente a Covid19 e ha permesso al team Simmer di progettazione quattro mesi in più per perfezionare i progetti, migliorandoli ancora.

New for 2021

Finger Patch Tendons
The Finger Patch Tendons in clew create greater load distribution over a larger area of the sailcloth surface, which increases the durability, as well as the direct handling of the sail.

Q-Ply Luff Panel
The 2 MIL Q-Ply luff panel creates a softer and more forward-focused power delivery. This combined with the strength provided by the vertical load line for maintained profile stability and durability.

Vertical Kevlar Load Line
Kevlar load line from top to tack to control the central effort; increase the longevity of the material which ensures that the sail profile stays in position when strong gusts hit the sail.

The 2021 wave sails also feature:

Precision Tapered Battens
Precision tapered battens on the lower two battens. The taper is custom designed on each sail size to push the sail profile forward and keep draft locked in for stability.

Stainless Steel O-Ring
The Stainless Steel O-Ring provides the strongest possible connection between the boom outhaul and the sail, providing direct power delivery and sail. Simmer quality defined.

Kevlar Stretch Control Tendons
The Kevlar Stretch Control Tendons distribute the load throughout the surface of the sail from clew to luff. They control the breaking point for the twist, increase the wind range, and increase the longevity of the sail. An original Simmer Style feature that has been widely adopted by many other sail brands

The most durable laminate scrim on the market. 100% polyester film, 150 microns thick, with high stretch resilience thread reinforcement in an X-pattern. The layers of film are bonded together with a UV resistance glue. The Icon features X-Ply paneling in the foot panel and clew area to handle wave sailing abuse in harsh conditions.

Q-Ply is a colored scrim which is mainly used in the top half of the sail. The Q-Ply combines a square thread pattern with an X-pattern. This overlapping thread pattern allows us to use a much thinner polyester film, at only 50 Microns thick. Q-Ply offers super strong durability combined with lightweight performance. As it has a more flexible characteristic than X-Ply, it makes the sail feel more alive in the area where the sail is designed to move and twist.

Ciao a tutti, sono Fabio Calò (ITA-720), ho iniziato a fare windsurf all’età di 13 anni e da quel momento è diventata la mia più grande passione, poi la mia vita e il mio lavoro. Campione Italiano Wave nel 2013 e 2015. Vivo a Torbole sul Garda e respiro l’aria del windsurf 365 giorni all’anno.