
Nico Prien con Starboard

di - 11/01/2021

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Solo pochi giorni fa, Nico Prien ha annunciato sui social media che avrebbe lasciato JP Australia dopo 5 anni di partnership. Il suo annuncio è stato seguito dalla scena del windsurf che ha risposto con supposizioni sull’ingresso in vari altri brand e persino voci di un proprio brand. Prien in seguito ha negato tali ipotesi e pochi giorni dopo ha annunciato il suo nuovo partner, Starboard Windsurfing, una mossa piuttosto sorprendente da parte del giovane 26 anni.

Nico Prien:
„I’m ecstatic to not only ride Starboards from 2021 on, but also work on supporting the
brand in the management aspect. Starboard being the only windsurfing company that
genuinely and actively considers the environment in all their actions, is the perfect match
for me. I’m thrilled to work closely with Svein Rasmussen and Tiesda You who both have
shaped the windsurfing world in the last decades.“
Even though Prien, who has built himself a reputation with frequent and engaging videos
around windsurfing on his YouTube Channel, will have a great deal of new tasks;
nonetheless, he stays optimistic about taking part in competitions and publishing more
„Realistically this will probably mean that I’ll take part in competitions less compared to
the previous years. Of course, I will still want to be the fittest and best version of myself
and do well in certain competitions; being able to compete on Starboard’s iSonics and foil
boards will help tremendously with that.
On the other hand, a lot of interesting new things will come my way with this move that
I’m more than excited to document and share on YouTube.“
It’s still unclear what implications this move will have on the sail brand he will be on from
now on.

How did it happen?
Since I’ve been digging into sustainable economics since a while, Starboard obviously has been on my radar. When Svein himself gave me a call to see wether I’m interested, it was clear quite quickly that this ist the only logical step to take for me.
What will your tasks be?
Next to my activities as ambassador I will work in the Brand Management for starboard. That means that I’ll be involved in the whole process from developing the product, up until the launch and everything that comes along with it, such as marketing.
What does that mean for competitions and your living situation?
I will spend a lot of time in Starboards Headquarter in Bangkok. My main hub will remain Germany and Europe though.

Ciao a tutti, sono Fabio Calò (ITA-720), ho iniziato a fare windsurf all’età di 13 anni e da quel momento è diventata la mia più grande passione, poi la mia vita e il mio lavoro. Campione Italiano Wave nel 2013 e 2015. Vivo a Torbole sul Garda e respiro l’aria del windsurf 365 giorni all’anno.