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Kody Kerbox on Fire

di - 08/02/2014

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kody kerbox on fire

Nel primo video di sabato vi presentiamo l’ultimo video di casa Naish Sup. Kody Kerbox, atelta di spicco della scuderia Naish, amico di  Kai Lanny, Connor Baxter, Zane Schweitzer, personaggio di punta dello STAND UP WORLD TOUR. Uno dei rider più radicali del circuito mondiale, dallo stile aggressivo e dalla tecnica notevole.

Per chi vuole deliziarsi la mente con linee pulite e surfate con stile…coming up.

This humble Hawaiian initially started his ocean obsession as a shortboarder and nowadays, takes stand up paddling to new heights as one of the most talented athletes in the world. It’s obvious he’s pretty popular with the waves, but what’s really enviable is how this rippers style progresses by the day. See for yourself how Kody Kerbox is making strides one wave at a time in this action packed video.