
Bic Sup Race 2014 – 12’6 x 26.5″ RACE – PRO

di - 30/01/2014

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bic sup race 2014 Se cercate una tavola grintosa per misurarvi su un percorso, la RACE-PRO è l’arma più efficace. Questa tavola è la sintesi del lavoro effettuato sui prototipi vincenti di Eric Terrien nel 2012. Concentra le misure delle sue tavole migliori per ottenere la migliore velocità mantenendo la stabilità. Il suo design le permette di essere la migliore su gare race in flat water e in condizioni più difficili sull’oceano.

Ispirate direttamente a shape vincenti del nostro rider internazionale Eric Terrien, le Race Pro sono tavole senza concessioni per esperti, ma che restano accessibili ai rider intermedi. Disegnate da Patrice Remoiville per una velocità e un controllo massimi, sono fabbricate in RACE-TEC, un materiale composito ultra leggero e rigido. Tavole per vincere e divertirsi.


bic sup race 2014 spec




Chase Kosterlitz joins the BIC SUP Team

BIC Sport has officially signed professional Stand Up Paddleboard Racer Chase Kosterlitz as an athlete and brand ambassador. Chase is known as “one of the best athletes to step onto a stand up paddleboard” (SUP Boarder Magazine) and has won numerous professional SUP championships, including the ‘Battle of the Paddle’ distance race, a pinnacle achievement in SUP racing. “Chase’s athletic achievements speak for themselves, and we’re obviously thrilled for him to be both riding and providing design input on BIC SUP race boards as well as the rest of the range”, says Jimmy Blakeney, BIC SUP Product & Marketing Manager. “But what we’re most excited about is that he’s a great ambassador for the sport. He’s heavily involved in helping grow the sport at both the professional and recreational levels.” After a collegiate basketball career Chase became an avid boarder, dedicated to living and promoting an active lifestyle on the water. He was an early adopter of SUP in his hometown of St. Pete, Florida and started his own SUP business a few years later. “It’s been really rewarding to help others discover SUP, nothing’s better than watching someone fall in love with the sport after their first time on a board.”