
Flurina Bieger scia in powder

di - 31/07/2019

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Conoscete Flurina Bieger? Una sciatrice talentuosa, senza paura dello sci ripido e con tantissima voglia di tracciare nuove linee in neve fresca. Giovane, bella e portato per gli sci a doppia punta; Flurinae ci presenta il suo video stagionale.



Florina descrive il suo filmato con queste parole: ” There were cliffs that never existed before and couloirs were in great conditions. I enjoyed every day on snow equally as much no matter the conditions (it always got warm after a big dump) and am especially grateful for the people (new and old) I got to spend the season with. This truly is the most important part of having a great time. That’s also why I included a little “behind the scenes” part ?

This winter was for the first time more focused on photoshoots than video, which was really cool too and I learned a lot. So there was not much time left to film something besides GoPro because of the great snow but also lack of time because of the last semester at university.”

I hope you enjoy the glimpse into a Disentis season



Luca Minigher

Freeskier, grande appassionato di montagna e sport!