
Lorraine Huber si ritira dal FWT

di - 20/09/2018

Lorraine Huber si ritira dal FWT
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Un amara news ci giunge in redazione: Lorraine Huber ha annunciato il suo ritiro dal Freeride World Tour.

Dopo ben 8 stagioni di tour e una vittoria ( conquistata nel 2017) la ragazza rivela ai fan: “ I’ve had 8 intense and unforgettable years on the FWT and I am very happy to end my competition career on such a high


lorraine huber fwt 2017 winner ritiro
Crediti: FWT


Durante la stagione 2018, Lorraine ha dominato sulla quarta tappa , a Fieberbrunn in Austria, e successivamente sul secondo scalino del podio al Xtreme Verbier in Svizzera.


Il comitato del tour annuncia: ” Lorraine Huber is one of the best female skiers we’ve seen on the Tour, winning a World Title and demonstrating one of the strongest characters and commitment to her sport. Lorraine has been a major actor in the sport’s progression, she has shared her passion, and is now willing to pass on her experience to future generations, which is fantastic. Thank you Lorraine! ”


Una piccola leggenda dello sci femminile che però non lascerà il mondo dello sci. Infatti l’atleta dice: “ I want to put all my energy into new projects now. It’s especially important for me to pass on my knowledge and experience in the sport of freeriding to future generations – particularly to female skiers. To this end, I plan on expanding my women’s freeride camps in Lech am Arlberg. I will also be busy with the production of ski film projects. My next big goal is to complete my master’s degree in mental strength coaching at the University of Salzburg. This will enable me to coach athletes professionally in reaching their full potential “.


Tutti noi le auguriamo un “in bocca al lupo” e le auguriamo fortuna e belle sciate per il futuro!




Luca Minigher

Freeskier, grande appassionato di montagna e sport!